Thursday, July 21, 2011

Last few nights in Cape Town =(

The last week has been awesome!! Unfortunately, we had a giant 20 page paper which cause everyone to be shut down on the social aspect but everyone pulled through and got it done. Tuesday night we went out for half price everything at one of the bars. It was a quiet Tuesday night but still fun. Wednesday we went to the green market and I got some last minute gifts, then headed to the beach for the afternoon. We got strawberry daiquiris and just hung out, trying to soak it all in. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. Afterwards we got the best ice cream ever and headed home for a nap. We all made and ate dinner at home, but as a group, which was nice because it was Ryan’s last night. We went out with a bang, probably a few too many tequila shots, but it was all worth it. Today we went to the township for the last time for a community presentation, which was a slideshow of pictures, nothing too fancy. After that we went to the winery we went to the first weekend and had an AMAZING lunch. Well, we were a bit early so of course we did a wine tasting at 10:30am. The lunch had an African drumming band and the waitresses walked around and did an African face painting with white dots on everyone’s faces. It was really fun and the food was so good. I think I ate a springbok sausage? And some fish? Delicious. After that we were given the opportunity to write a letter to ourselves, of our overall thoughts of the trip and about ourselves here in South Africa. Emma, the one who we have reflection with, will then send us the letters 6 weeks after we get home. I thought this was an awesome idea because in 6 weeks I will be so back to reality and that letter will be special to receive at the 55 E. Daniel in Champaign. We’re headed to some Italian tonight then out for THE LAST TIME so I must get in the shower and start packing. Oh, also bought a SECOND suitcase because I went a bit overboard with gifts for everyone. Totally worth every penny. Anyways, I’m going to London with Taryn & Amanada so that will be soooo much fun. So excited to fly out with people I know as well. I arrive at 8:05pm in Chicago ahhh Don’t wanna leave!!!!!

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