Friday, July 1, 2011

Sweet Home Farms

Today I had an amazing experience out in the Sweet Home Far clinic. We got to the township a little early so we were able to walk around and see the “houses,” or shacks. I felt bad taking pictures of all the innocent children but I got a few good ones (look at my Facebook).  During the clinics I got to sit in on a few consultations. The main conditions in which people have are UTI’s, worms, & ear infections for kids, and for adults a lot of back pains, STD/STI’s, & dermatological conditions. The skin conditions are all so gross. You can tell they do not receive adequate health care because they have sores that are like the size of a tennis ball – not normal. I did a lot of data capturing as well so I was back to pharmacy stuff but I kind of enjoy seeing the differences yet similarities. I’m not huge on kids but the little black children are soooo cute, and I feel so so bad for them. They all seem so happy playing with something as simple as a yo-yo though which is beautiful in its own way. There were also so many stray, dirty dogs too. I felt so bad. The community spoke Xhosa so I could only have conversations with every third patient but even without conversation, they were all still friendly. Once we saw 35+ patients, we left and I had to go write my paper because tomorrow I leave for EASTERN CAPEEEE! No electricity, no running water, and way worse health conditions. Bring. It. On. See you in a weeeeeeek! =)

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