Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mama Afrika & Karaoke

Alright, so Monday we had a chill evening, we all wanted to upload our shark pictures from Sunday so we went to Cocoa Cha Chi for fast internet & dinner. Everyone had papers to write so it was uneventful. Tuesday, after class & work, we came home, made dinner, and start playing drinking card games. After a while some people went straight to bed but Matt, Joe, and myself went out. Doug, our favorite cab driver, picked us up and took us to a bar called The Shack. It was shady so after a beer we went to another bar, and this one had a cover charge AND they had to pat you down before you could enter, so that was a no. Then we went to a bar called Stone and it was a lot of fun! There was a lot of pool tables and I had three drinks in front of me at one point that people kept buying so I was satisfied. Doug also had no calls on his Tuesday night so he hung out with us as well- not drinking of course but he’s hilarious so that made the night even better. Wednesday internship wasn’t too eventful, got some social referrals back, which was exciting for me but it was a slow day after that. Once I got home I took a quick nap then the group was planning to go out to eat. The restaurant was called Mama Afrika, and the menu consisted of ostrich, crocodile, wart hog, springbok, etc. They also had an African band that was AMAZING. I ended up getting a garden salad and spicy chicken wings (to be safe). The garden salad is not what it is at home- it is literally like a garden on your plate. Dad- remember when you had that dish with 7 appetizers for that Christmas “house-crawl” ? It was similar but with salads, like side salads. Very delicious. My wings were good but after trying everyone’s food I liked the crocodile the best. The ostrich steak was pretty good too but the croc was better. After almost three hours at dinner, we went to our favorite Abuntu bar with R5 shots (R7=$1 so it’s like .85 cents for a shot). After a while there, we met up with the William & Mary students that are here and went to The Long Street CafĂ©- and Wednesday night is karaoke night. It was soooo much fun. Ryan, Maxie, and I sang Time of Your Life and jumped in on a lot of other groups as well. Lots of fun, great night. Class was more interesting today and during our break I got a UCT sweatshirt so I was happy. Now time to write my paper as I won’t have internet this next week then reflection session at 7:00 then maybe out? I’m so tired but I can sleep when I’m in America =)

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