Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Eastern Cape

So today we had our first lecture at 10am. It was pretty much a discussion section of the readings we had due today. The readings are much more difficult to understand than they are at home, so it takes me forever to even understand what it's about. After class I went to my internship for the first time! It was actually pretty boring because we just discussed what I WILL be doing, but very exciting stuff! From July 2nd-July 11th I will be traveling to the Eastern Cape. I am currently located in the Western Cape which is the most industrialized province in South Africa. Eastern Cape is the poorest and most impoverish area in South Africa so as bad as I think it is here, it will be much worse there. It's a 16 hour drive so it will take a day to get there, then once I'm there I will be working in the mobile clinics. There's no health care at all in the area in which we will be going to so we will be providing STD tests, HIV tests, and TB tests. I'm the only student from our program going so I will be hanging out with the medical students from South Africa & Norway the whole time. I also will be doing other projects throughout the internship including visiting a fetal alcohol syndrome clinic and an Occupational Therapy clinic (which will count towards my OT shadowing hours!!!). It's stormy, cold, and rainy out so everyone called it a night pretty early but tomorrow is a "youth holiday" so we have class then the day free. Yay!

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