Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back to the same old.. class and work

So the past two days have been quite quiet yet busy. We went out Monday so Tuesday we were all kind of tired so it flew by, we all ate dinner and went to bed early.  Class is extremely interesting. It's all about community development but all of our discussions are very deep and life-changing. Going to be a great class in the long run (even though it's kind of hard) It's intense. But my internship has picked up though, finally! I’m currently working to possibly initiate a family planning sector in our clinics as well as come up with a social referral network to hand out to the necessary patients. It’s a frustrating job as you find these relevant and interesting NGOs in the area but all you can do is call them (which 95% of the time it just keeps ringing or is an incorrect number) or email the organizations but it doesn’t seem to get very far. I also enter a lot of data into a computer, mainly patient information and diagnoses along with medications. It’s like I can never escape pharmacy, which I thought it was bad doing that but then one of the dispensing nurses (aka pharmacist basically) came into the office and made me go with her to do inventory and reorganize the mobile pharmacy. Like I said- cannot get away from pharmacy. It was fun though. Hah! I also had to count out a few big bottles of medications into its specific count number depending on the medication and it’s literally the same tray as back home, just broken, and instead of a metal counter it’s a popsicle stick. All same end result but it is just a little more creative down here.  Also- am currently talking to Jeanne and got reminded that the pharmacies here at called “Chemist” so you walk down the street and the sign is just for a chemist. So funny. But time for bed, class and work tomorrow. Miss you all at home!!! =)

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