Sunday, June 26, 2011


Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!!!! SHARK DIVING WAS AMAZING!!!! And I’m still alive to be writing this! =) Okay so we got picked up from our house around 8:30 and had a 2 hour drive out to Gansbaai, the waters of the largest population of the GREAT WHITE SHARK- where 70% of the great whites live. So we got to the place and had to wait around for almost 2 hours. It was getting so boring but as soon as it was time to go everything went quick. We took a 15 minute boat ride out to the shark areas and put down anchor. We each had to wear a full-body already wet, wet suit, which was so hard to get on in 50-ish degree weather. Our group went second so we went to the top deck to watch as the first shark came up to the boat. THEY ARE HUGE! Ahhh it seriously looked so massive. I guess the biggest one we saw today was almost 13 feet, which is still mind blowing to think about. It got to our turn and I started freaking out. You get in the cage in the water so fast and are so scared to put your feet anywhere so it was like a work out to stay up. Next thing I know a shark is coming right at the cage so the instructors tell you to go down. You hold your breath and are face to face with a great white. I had my amazing underwater camera (thank you dad!) so I got some great pictures. It was kind of hard to take pictures while trying to look while holding on, but it was worth it. After we got out it was freezing until our turn again and the second dive was so much better. I figured it out more because there is a bar for your feet to tuck under so it holds you down rather than floating up and the first time I was too scared to go that far down. After figuring it out though the experience got so much better. Also, the second round was when the shark smacked into the cage 6 inches in front of me followed by his tail smacking in right after. INSANEEEEEE TO SEE!! I bought the video and when I’m not underwater, I’m screaming the whole time- but it was a good/excited/omg-there-is-a-13-foot-shark-right-in-front-of-me kind of scream. We were at sea for 3 hours total and there were probably 5 people who got seasick. The waves were UNREAL and the boat was so shaky the entire time, so after 3 hours you’re ready to go. Getting out of the wet suit and swimsuits was a challenge as it was FREEZING out but the boat ride home was just as exciting as the one out there. The sun looked gorgeous on the water and it felt good to just take it all in. The bus ride home went quick and before I knew it, I’m in my bed dreading writing my paper. Overall this has been one of my most amazing experiences EVER, if not THE most amazing experience and loved every second of it. 100% chance I’m coming back to Cape Town and diving again =)

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