Sunday, June 19, 2011

District Six, Table Mountain, & Cheetahs

Yesterday, Saturday, we had two excursions- to visit the District Six Museum and to go to the top of Table Mountain. The District Six Museum was very interesting but also very sad. Basically the government intervened the community and forced over 6,000 individuals out of their homes.  They were then separated into 3 major categories with subcategories within those. The three major obviously being: white, coloured, & black. The government forced the different groups of people to live together in different townships. If a black man and white woman were married, they were separated and in order to see one another they were required to obtain a permit which allowed them to visit for 2 hours every 3 months. If you were found without a permit, you were sent to jail. The man telling the stories was directly affected and heart-broken by what happened. However, he knows it’s important to retell so it doesn’t happen again in history. Very sad.

After the museum we drove to the highest drivable point of Table Mountain. From there we took a cable car (sooooo scary) to the very top of the mountain. On the top were bunches of paths and amazing views. Everything looked absolutely gorgeous. It was freezing and extremely windy on top though so after an hour everyone was ready to go. The group was tired and being lame so after 4-hour naps we decided just to stay in.

On Sunday, Father’s Day, we went out to Spier to a farm with cheetahs and wine tasting. We did the cheetahs first and they were adorable!!! They were all hand-raised so they were very calm, yet we still couldn’t go in the cages if they were up and moving around. We had to go pet the one that was lying down the whole time which kind of sucked but was still a great experience. So cute! Afterwards we went to the wine tasting inside and got to sample 5 wines- all very tasty. We just got back and now I’ve got to crank out a 5-page paper due Tuesday. We’re going to a local cafĂ© to get it done so hopefully it doesn’t take too long. Overall a great weekend. Now time to get back in the swing of things which means back to work and class. Next weekend we are visiting Robben Island and Sunday is SHARK DIVING!!!! Soooooo excited =)

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