Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New York?

So I thought the hour & forty-five minute flight to Canada would be the easiest part of my 34 hours of traveling. They had me fooled!!!! Ahhhh,  WORST AIRPLANE EXPERIENCE EVER! When I got through security in Chicago I find that my gate was switched. No big deal, happens all the time. When we finally all got the correct plane and boarded we started our trip delayed. Then, after a few minutes I could hear discussions of an incorrect count of passengers. Oh and before I start that story, we took an Embraer RJ145 (only Dad and Dustin can appreciate that). Meaning- our flight had 2 seats on the left hand side, and one on the other. TINYYY plane. I was in seat 2A so I was right in front. I didn’t even have people next to me other than the flight attendant’s station. Being nosey and eavesdropping on the conversation, turns out someone had a duplicate ticket on the flight and had to be escorted out. That was frightening to hear and watch. Then after we took off we get to the Montreal area and are circling the area due to storms. We circled so much that we ended up flying to Syracuse, New York to land, refuel, and wait for storms to pass. The “quick stop” took over an hour. After finally arriving in Montreal, I turn on my phone and see its 9:38PM, my flight to London was supposed to leave at 10:20PM. Once we landed we were in the longest line of planes and could not pull into the gate until all the other planes went first. I ended up getting off the plane at 10:36, completely freaked out at this point. I walk up to the connections counter and it’s all closed now. I had to go to the arrivals area where I found some guy that assisted me, but then had to redirected me to a women. After she reviewed my passport and boarding pass, she had to go check and see if my flight had left- this whole five-minute interval was the longest of my life. Turns out it was extremely delayed like all the others so I made ittttttt!!! I still felt obligated to sprint to the gate just in case. I get to the gate and they redirect me to another gate, right in the area I just was. Once I get there all of the passengers going to London were redirected to the gate I was JUST had. I ran/walked past this one group of people at least three times, they probably thought I was crazy- that or just a stupid, blonde, American (most likely a combination of the two). I am now sitting down waiting for our plane to arrive and have never been happier to be sitting waiting for a delayed flight. And during all this I was starving because it was over nine hours since I had eaten. Found the one and only cafĂ© shop still open and all the wraps were in French so I got stuck with a breakfast burrito. Gross. Now I’m already exhausted, feel sick, and am tired of hearing French over the intercom. Get me on this plane so I can fall asleeeeeeeeeeep.

And to add to my misery I find out that wasn't my flight at all. That just happened to be another flight to London. I will be sitting in the airport of Montreal for 24 hours. American Airlines had to books me 2 more flights both 24 hours later. Never have I ever slept at an airport- this is a first. So. Gimme a call/text/facebook message .. I'll be sitting here bored.  =(

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